Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"10 things" idea lists

I have been trying to come up with different "10 things" lists for a challenge LO ScrapMatters has going until the end of February. I searched the web and found some ideas that started me brainstorming (I know that FB has tons of these types of lists too. If any of mine are the same it is completely coincidental except for one :).  I thought I would share some of the lists I came up with or found so maybe it will make it easier for those of you who may ever need ideas for a "10 things" list.

10 Things:
- I like about my home town
- I don't like about _________ (TV, internet, food, laundry, my car, myself, etc.)
- I learned from my kids (or sister, brother, father, mother, aunt, uncle, step-someone, etc.)
- I learned from gardening
- I learned from sports or specific sport (dance, gymnastics, cheer, etc) that has made my life better.
- that are funny to me
- dreams I remember
- my children have taught me
- my cat (pet) has taught me
- about my spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend that I love and why
- I like about myself
- I want to improve (spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, etc)
- songs that are in my head right now
- I learned from my favorite hobby
- I learned not to do from__________ (in-laws, friends, the government, school, my cat, photography, etc)
- I learned from my career/job (motherhood, fatherhood, pet ownership,etc)
- that make my home "homey" and why
- I like about grandma's house
- I like/dislike about weddings
- I like to when I am on a road trip
- I like to do in the _________ (mornings, evenings, car, at home, etc)
- bands I like (books, movies, tv shows, flowers, colors, etc)
- I love about blogging
- my favorite places to go (travel, the park, museum, closet, etc)
- on my bucket list
- digiscraping has taught me
- childhood memories that shaped who I am today
- that frighten me
- silly things my kids do
- that make me smile (happy)

I suppose that is a big enough list to start! Hopefully some of them will be helpful or give you other ideas for lists. :)

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